Wednesday 25 April 2012


How Nuclear Energy Helps Globally??

In our atmosphere today,In the Earth’s atmosphere, the warming effect of “greenhouse gases” is an
undisputed phenomenon. Without it the globe would be covered in ice. For
thousand of years, a fairly constant level of greenhouse gases created the
moderate environment in which civilization evolved. Over one third of human
induced greenhouse gases come from the burning of fossil fuel to generate
electricity, run factories, power vehicles and heat homes. In the next 50 years,
the global population will use more energy than the total consumed in all
previous history. Humanity faces a future of radical change- either in the way we
produce energy or in the health of our planet. Fossil resources- coal, oil and
natural gas- are being consumed so fast as to be largely exhausted during the
21st Century. Nuclear Power Plants do not emit greenhouse gases. New reactor design,
radiation safety and transportation and improved, more efficient mining, is placing
nuclear energy back in the scene.
We live in a world that is just beginning to consume energy; China and India are
wining to Europe and America in the race of for “per capita” energy consumption.
Of today’s 6 and a half billion people, they represent about one third of the global
population. In the next 50 years – as world population expands to 9 billions
today’s vast unmet human needs could multiply severely. According to studies
and projections made by International Organizations, humanity will consume
more energy than any record in previous history. Economic development is
imperative not only to alleviate human misery but also to create conditions
necessary to stabilize global population. In much of the developing world a
surging drive to meet these needs is generating an enormous rise in the use of
energy. By 2050, global energy consumption will double.
Humanity cannot go backwards. A burgeoning world population will require vast
amount of energy to provide fresh water, energize factories, homes and
transportation and support infrastructures for nutrition, education and health care.
Meeting these needs will require energy from “all sources”. But the world’s
energy “mix” must quickly evolve- away from indiscriminate use of fossil fuel.
Reducing consumption of fossil fuel will preserve the environment- and
irreplaceable resources- for future generations. Conceivably, tomorrow’s megacities
could function with few direct emissions- by using electricity, electrically
charged batteries and fuel cells using electrically hydrogen. But electricity is only
a way of distributing energy. The key is to generate vastly expanded supplies of
electricity cleanly.
Nuclear power- like wind, hydro and solar energy- can generate electricity with
no carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gas emissions. The critical difference is
that Nuclear Energy is the only option to produce vastly expanded supplies of
clean electricity on a global scale. Far from being competitors, nuclear power and
new renewables’ are urgently needed as partners if the world’s immense clean
energy needs are to be met. Keep in mind that the sun not always shines and
that wind not always blows.
Electricity is of paramount importance for economic development. Industries and
all world communities require electricity for daily needs. On the other hand,
hydroelectric energy requires of the flooding of vast extensions of land and the
displacement of large amount of people; the best places are already taken.
These hydroelectric also depend on climate changes: a couple of years of
drought and the energetic matrix based on water would be unbalanced.

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