Tuesday 24 April 2012


NORM, or naturally ocurring radioactive material, is found almost everywhere. It is found in the air and in soil, and even in radioactive potassium in our own bodies. It is found in public water supplies and foods such as brazil nuts, cereal, and peanut butter.
Many people are afraid of living near nuclear power plants. People are unaware that radioactivity is natural. Foods that are rich in potassium, like fruits, beans and lentils, vegetables, and some whole grains, expose us to radiation as potassium decays. Less than 1/4 % of the potassium in foods we eat is radioactive. The food we eat exposes us to about 40 millirem of radiation each year. An x-ray technician works with x-ray machines everyday, resulting in exposure to about 500 millirem of radiation each year.

Smoking 1 and a half packs a day can result in exposure to 1300 millirem of radiation per year. Tobacco has a high concentration of polonium-210, a naturally occuring radioactive element. Flying in an airplane reduces the thickness of atmosphere shielding you from cosmic sources of radiation, including our sun and cosmic rays. You receive about 1 millirem of radiation for each 1000 miles you fly. A member of an airline crew receives about 200 millirem a year on the job.

If you live near a nuclear power plant, you'll receive about 0.009 millirem of radiation each year. If you are a nuclear power plant worker, you receive 180 millirem a year. The maximum recommended dose per person per year is 5000 millirem.

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